Opportunity Knocks is an official charity partner of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon!! Runners will be fundraising for Opportunity Knocks as they train to run 26.2 miles on October 7, 2018.
We are excited to introduce you to Tarah, one of our dedicated team members!!!
How many marathons have you run? This will be my first marathon!
Most memorable race/run? The Chi Town 10k in 2016 because there was a sheet of ice across the entire course. Made for an interesting 6.2 miles of avoiding a wipeout!
Is there a race you run every year?Race to Wrigley because I’m a huge Cubs fan and it’s for a great cause. Plus you get to run through the concourse at the end, which is an added bonus.
Hot or Cold weather running? Cold!
Favorite post race food?Weirdly enough, doughnuts.
Can’t run without… My favorite tunes.
Pre-race routine (night before or morning of)?All the pasta followed by attempting to sleep.
Why do you run?It’s been a great outlet for stress over the years and I like pushing myself to new limits.
Why are you running for Opportunity Knocks?I’ve participated in many events over the years for OK and I see how important the organization is to the Warriors. I want to make them proud!