Warriors have been planning for the 2018 OK Farm Season! The last frost date is quickly approaching and we will be back on the farm again before we know it! To get a jump on the growing season we have started some of our seeds indoors. Warriors have planted tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, celery, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and lots of cucumbers for our Knockout Pickles!

Opportunity Knocks uses the Old Farmers Almanac Garden Planner to help us plan our farm. This application allows us to visualize what we can plant on the farm and it even gives you suggestions on what can be planted together, how many rows you should plant, and the proper spacing for each crop. Warriors tested this out in the Growers School and put some of what they have learned to practice! Many people think that farmers have nothing to do in the winter time, but it is never to early to start planning for the upcoming season!