In this session of Workout Warriors we learned how we can protect ourselves from the summer sun!

SUNSCREEN keeps our skin from burning! We used sunscreen to paint pictures and hung our masterpieces in the window. You can see how the sun bleached the paper and keeps our sunscreen smiley face – if it can do this to paper imagine what the sun can do to your skin!

When it’s HOTTER drink WATER!! Our bodies dehydrate in the summer, and one of the best ways to determine if you are hydrated is the color of your pee!! We used yellow food coloring to help guide us on how to know when our bodies need more water!

Warriors learned other ways of protecting themselves from the sun using the Sun Safety wheel! Wear a HAT, find SHADE, and wear CLOTHES that cover your skin!
…and we had to decorate SUNGLASSES to protect our eyes from the harmful rays, and also just to look cool!