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Opportunity Knocks & Suburban Access presentH.O.M.E &HOUSING NAVIGATIONThursday. February 2nd @ 7pm An interactive educational event presented by the OK Residential CommitteeThis two-part virtual event is co-presented by the Opportunity Knocks Residential Committee and Suburban Access. Opportunity Knocks will lead off with a progress report on our work in the area of supporting independent living opportunities. We will also forecast the work to come in 2023 and the benchmarks we aim to hit on our path to becoming a licensed provider. Presenter: Phil Carmody, President of OK, on behalf of the Residential CommitteeSuburban Access will lead this portion of the presentation and provide an overview of Housing Navigation, an exciting new pilot program that the Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) has added to help people with Developmental Disabilities (DD) find housing options in Illinois communities. Presenter: Veronica Garcea, MA, QIDP & Housing Navigator - Lead Individual Service Coordinator, Suburban Access, Inc01. H.O.M.E.Opportunity Knocks will lead off with a progress report on our work in the area of supporting independent living opportunities. We will also forecast the work to come in 2023 and the benchmarks we aim to hit on our path to becoming a […]