The Auxiliary Board has been key in raising more than $545,000. Members also chipped in to represent a large percentage of the nearly $224,000 of in-kind donations that Opportunity Knocks has solicited over that same period of time. This fundraising allowed Opportunity Knocks to develop and launch a new day program, staffing it as needed with a liberal approach to program development through technology, peer-led curriculum and many other innovative techniques.  

The  Auxiliary Board is a group of 25-35 young adults who volunteer their supportive efforts to the planning, promotion and execution of the major fundraising events of Opportunity Knocks. These events are accountable for nearly 40% of the funding that supports the organization. In addition to their event-related efforts, numerous members sit on committees within other areas of activity in the organization, such as finance, strategic planning, development and others. On top of that, they are often called upon to donate in-kind, their special skills. Several members have assisted in developing graphic design materials, marketing plans, budget development, real estate assessments, and legal advice.

The Auxiliary Board is a self-driven recruiting machine! The scope has spread from one network of friends and families in the OPRF area to many more in other suburban and Chicago-area neighborhoods. The reach is due the A-Board’s grassroots, word-of-mouth promotion. They promote the organization and the events. Their discussion leads to additional members seeking interest in this young service organization.

Jonas White

Jonas White


Member Since 2019 ◆ 5 YEARS ON BOARD

Claire Downs

Claire Downs


Member Since 2019 ◆ 5 YEARS ON BOARD

Tiffany Fustar

Tiffany Fustar


Member Since 2013 ◆ 11 YEARS ON BOARD

Timothy Caronti

Timothy Caronti


Member Since 2012 ◆ 12 YEARS ON BOARD

Aly Cocco (Euler)

Aly Cocco (Euler)


Member Since 2016 ◆ 8 YEARS ON BOARD

Shea Collins

Shea Collins


Member Since 2015 ◆ 9 YEARS ON BOARD

Megan Harrison

Megan Harrison


Member Since 2013 ◆ 11 YEARS ON BOARD

Edward Lee

Edward Lee


Member Since 2012 ◆ 12 YEARS ON BOARD

Mike Phelan

Mike Phelan


Member Since 2012 ◆ 12 YEARS ON BOARD

Stephen Puiszis

Stephen Puiszis


Member Since 2015 ◆ 9 YEARS ON BOARD

Joe Riddle

Joe Riddle


Member Since 2013 ◆ 11 YEARS ON BOARD

Peter Van Nortwick

Peter Van Nortwick


Member Since 2022 ◆ 2 YEARS ON BOARD

Jack Badger

Jack Badger


Member Since 2022 ◆ 2 YEARS ON BOARD

Margaret Blaha

Margaret Blaha


Member Since 2023 ◆ 1 YEARS ON BOARD

Sara Bulmer

Sara Bulmer


Member Since 2023 ◆ 1 YEARS ON BOARD

Ana Spinuzza

Ana Spinuzza


Member Since 2023 ◆ 1 YEARS ON BOARD

Conor Harmon

Conor Harmon


Member Since 2023 ◆ 1 YEARS ON BOARD

Andrew O'Conor

Andrew O'Conor


Member Since 2023 ◆ 1 YEARS ON BOARD

Giancarlo Speziale

Giancarlo Speziale


Member Since 2023 ◆ 1 YEARS ON BOARD

Georgia Hunter

Georgia Hunter


Member Since 2024 ◆ 0 YEARS ON BOARD

Jarvis Hart

Jarvis Hart


Member Since 2024 ◆ 0 YEARS ON BOARD

William Tarpey

William Tarpey


Member Since 2024 ◆ 0 YEARS ON BOARD


The OK Auxiliary Board is managed by its Executive Committee, which consists of the President, Vice President and Secretary. Auxiliary Board members communicate and work together by conducting meetings held on a quarterly basis. This allows the Board to both plan and execute activities related to upcoming events. These meetings allow members to become more effective by using this time to accomplish Board objectives & goals.


The Board is composed of a group of young professionals and future community leaders between the ages of 25-35 from the Chicagoland area.


Members of the Auxiliary Board are obligated to serve a 1-year term. After a year of serving, a member can resign, or commit to another 1-year term. If for some reason a member resigns during their 1-year commitment, a letter of resignation must be submitted to the President of the Board. Mandatory attendance at 75% of quarterly Board meetings: Locations are virtual and in-person.

Members must commit to serve on the planning committees of one of the below events. Committee membership includes, but is not limited to actively participating in event planning and task execution, as dictated by each individual event.

OK Gala | OK Classic

Members are asked to participate in any additional events as organized by the Board. Participation includes, but is not limited to recruiting guests, pursuing sponsors and in-kind donations, volunteering, promotions, etc.


If you have questions regarding membership or would be interested in joining the Auxiliary Board of Opportunity Knocks, please contact Auxiliary President, Jonas White, at: